Peak Performance Speakers

When you get down to it, our careers, health, and businesses depend on specific inputs. If we can achieve peak performance in any area of our lives, we can do anything. But you don’t have to hack your way to greatness alone. Our performance strategists, professors, best-selling authors, Olympians, and other peak performance speakers will share their unconventional strategies for operating at peak performance. Available for in-person or virtual events and meetings.

Proposal Request

Keynote Speaker

Marcus Buckingham

Researcher; New York Times Best-Selling Author; Founder of the Strengths Revolution; Head of People + Performance Research at ADP; Expert on Outstanding Leadership and Management Practices

Over $70,000
Keynote Speaker

Jairek Robbins

#1 Best-Selling Author of LIVE IT! Achieve Success By Living With Purpose, PRESIDENT of SUCCESS ENTERPRISES and CEO of HIGH PERFORMANCE VENTURES, LLC and Recipient of the Congressional Award (Gold Medal)

Over $70,000

Didn’t find the peak performance speaker you were looking for? WSB works with many of the industry’s top speakers each year. Our team of experienced speaker agents is committed to helping you find the perfect speaker for your event. Please contact us for a custom proposal.