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Tony Dungy

WSB Exclusive Speaker

Former Head Coach, 2007 Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts, Football Television Analyst

The first African-American head coach to lead his team to a Super Bowl championship, Tony Dungy shares with us the importance of goals, integrity, discipline and overcoming adversity.

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Tony Dungy Profile Photo

Tony Dungy is not your typical football coach. The former head coach of the 2007 Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts refrains from the harsh language and aggressive manner so often associated with his sport. And yet he’s proven that nice guys do indeed finish first. His philosophy of treating people with decency and respect inspires in his players the loyalty, dedication and determination to overcome any obstacle and prevail. Dungy imparts this too-often-forgotten aspect of leadership: that kindness isn’t weakness; rather, it generates the type of devotion that results in success. Dungy is a leader who shows us all how faith, strength and solidarity can sustain and inspire any team. Currently, Dungy is a football television analyst and is the author of four books, including Uncommon: Finding Your Path to Significance and his most recent, Mentor Leader.

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Tony Dungy

Tony Dungy on Why Great Leaders Need to Build Trust to Engage Their Teams

Tony Dungy’s Speech Topics

  • Motivating the Spirit

    Tony Dungy’s life is informed by an unswerving dedication to his faith. Dungy shares with audiences his understanding of how community service, sacrifice and commitment—both on the field and off—result in successes that don’t always end up in box scores.

  • Diversity On the Field and Off

    When the Indianapolis Colts won the 2007 Super Bowl, former head coach Tony Dungy became the first African-American coach to win a Super Bowl. Dungy describes how to manage teams comprised of individuals from differing backgrounds and how to successfully draw on the strengths of those dissimilar backgrounds to form closely bonded teams and organizations.

  • Leading Successful Teams

    Adversity: It’s a fact of both your personal and professional lives. But the real measure of any individual or organization is how adversity is overcome. Super Bowl Champion Indianapolis Colts former head coach Tony Dungy shows you how to respond to adversity in a way that results in an organization’s ability to successfully realize goals and succeed.

  • Motivating for Success

    Reaching goals both on the field and off requires commitment, discipline and the ability to envision outcomes that result in success. Tony Dungy, the man who coached the world champion Indianapolis Colts to their first Super Bowl victory, gives audiences a system by which they can motivate themselves and their teams to accomplish goals they never before thought possible.

What other organizations say about Tony Dungy

Coach Dungy did a great job and was really well received. His prepared remarks were great, but he really took it to the next level with the Q & A. He is a very kind, caring and compassionate man and his presentation style supported that. A home run on our part. Thanks for helping me to make this happen!


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