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Ted Fishman

Keynote Speaker

Global Economic Expert and Author, China, Inc. and Shock of Gray

With hands-on experience and a global perspective, Ted Fishman educates audiences about two of the biggest trends changing life, business and politics today: the world-changing effects of China's rapid growth and the all-pervasive changes for individuals, businesses and governments that will be ushered in as the world’s population tips from being overwhelmingly young to being dominated by older age groups.

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Ted Fishman Profile Photo

A former floor trader who abandoned Wall Street for a microchip factory, Ted Fishman possesses a truly unique perspective on the modern global economy. As a respected author and speaker, Fishman helps audiences see them in new and immediate ways and gives the world a framework through which to see big change.

His bestselling book China, Inc. provided an early glimpse into China’s emergence as an economic superpower and the seismic shifts that would reverberate across industries worldwide. Fishman doesn’t merely describe globalization’s impacts — he lived them first-hand, giving him unparalleled credibility.

When Fishman takes the stage, audiences gain insights into the undercurrents shaping our economic reality. He connects the dots between technology, labor, trade policies, and consumer behavior. Fishman’s ability to translate complex trends into digestible narratives leaves audiences with an enhanced understanding of tomorrow’s disruptive forces and how to harness them.

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Ted Fishman

Chicago ideas: Is China the next world superpower?

Ted Fishman’s Speech Topics

  • The Urgency of China: How the China’s Next Act Changes Our World

    No country—since the rise of the United States—has ever challenged the rest of the world on so many fronts as the rise of China does today. Ted Fishman explores the dynamic behind China’s rise and how the vast changes in that country change life for the rest of us as workers, managers, consumers, citizens and even as parents. China has embarked on the most ambition infrastructure building effort in the world. It is also vastly expanding its education system to help push the nation and its people to the top of world economy. As it advances and China’s market power grows, the changes many long-standing rules and practices in global business, from the roles of Central Banks and currency regimes, to shape of mass and custom production to the rules—and lack of rules—for intellectual property protection. The stakes are enormously high for people everywhere, and nothing about China’s continual rise is assured. Fishman explores the fundamental drivers of China’s push and what the rest of the world must do to insure that China’s drive creates prosperity at home, in the United States or wherever home may be.

  • Shock of Gray: How the Aging of the World’s Population Forever Changes You, Your Business and Your World, and brings Challenges, Treasure and Global Prosperity

    The Shock of Gray is a new reality that is essential for nearly all audiences to understand. Ted Fishman delivers a powerful lesson in how the unprecedented aging of the world’s population two lies at the heart of nearly every major social and economic trend today, driving globalization and propelling the movement of money, goods and people. Understanding this immense, unprecedented change is essential to the stewardship of companies, organizations and communities that aim to endure and thrive. Fishman has traveled our grayer future and found what’s bright, what’s stormy, and he is creating a map we all will need to navigate a great change.

What other organizations say about Ted Fishman

Given our partnership with four universities in China, Ted Fishman’s lecture was timely and on the mark, not to mention informative and insightful. The world is full of experts but not all are adept at sharing their knowledge in an easy to understand way.

Universities & Colleges

What other organizations say about Ted Fishman

Throughout his time with us, Ted Fishman expressed a keen sense of knowing his audience and adapted his book to meet the interests of our attendees.

Health Care

What other organizations say about Ted Fishman

[Ted Fishman’s] ability to take so many variables and weave them into a compelling talk is a testament to his skill as a speaker.

Women’s Groups

What other organizations say about Ted Fishman

As a keynote speaker, Ted Fishman with his vast store of knowledge about trends and pathways in aging, the economy and what’s worked or hasn’t worked provided the catalyst for improvments in our own state.


What other organizations say about Ted Fishman

Ted Fishman was absolutely terrific. His work is relevant and presented with great humor, compassion, and lucidity.


Works by Ted Fishman


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