Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo

Steven Rogelberg

Keynote Speaker

Renowned Organizational Psychologist; Chancellor’s Professor; Past President of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology; Author of two bestselling books 

One of the most internationally respected and dynamic thought leaders around meetings, teamwork, collaboration, innovation, and leadership, Dr. Steven Rogelberg shares valuable evidence-based insights in a powerful and accessible manner. Steven has shared his insights with almost half of the Fortune 500, as well as the U.S. Congress and the UN.

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Steven Rogelberg'S SPEAKING FEE Under $25,000

Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo

Dr. Steven Rogelberg, Chancellor’s Professor, is a preeminent authority in the topics of teams, collaboration, and leadership. His work on meetings and charting a new future of work from a meeting perspective, in particular, has been groundbreaking and transformative to organizations. Adam Grant stated “Steven Rogelberg knows more about how to improve meetings than anyone on earth.”

Steven is frequently found on major media outlets including CNN, CBS This Morning, BBC, Fox News, NPR, MSN, CBC, and BBC World and his award winning keynotes have occurred at many of the world’s leading organizations from Amazon, to Google, to 3M, to Siemens, to TIAA, to Warner Bros. His two most recent books have been heavily lauded finding themselves on well over 25 “best of” lists including Washington Post, Forbes, SHRM, Business Insider, to name a few.  Steven’s keynotes certainly engage and motivate, but more than that the content shared is incredibly transformative. It takes some of the biggest struggles at work (wasted time due to poor meetings), and helps turn them into competitive advantage.

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Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg Speaking Reel

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Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg on Making Meeting More Effective and Successful

Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo
Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg on the Surprising Science of Meetings

Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo
Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg on Making Hybrid Meetings More Engaging

Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo
Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg on Leading Better Meetings

Steven Rogelberg Profile Photo
Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg on Meetings and Productivity

Steven Rogelberg’s Speech Topics

  • Charting a New Future of Work From a Meetings and Collaboration Perspective

    This session focuses on transforming meeting culture by empowering leaders to run their meetings in the most effective and inclusive way possible. Maximizing productivity depends not only on how leaders manage meetings but also on the fact that their practices often become the norm throughout the organization. It is essential that the behaviors that informally cascade down are optimal. The session will discuss and illustrate how to leverage the science of meetings, apply evidence-based approaches, and prevent meeting overload.

    Every organization has both an implicit and explicit meeting ecosystem that drives meeting loads and practices. To achieve meeting excellence, leaders must evaluate and modify this ecosystem. In this session, participants will learn how to implement new standards and approaches that optimize meeting quality while reducing unnecessary meetings, shrinking meeting sizes, and freeing up valuable time for their teams.

  • Meet With Success: Evidence-Based Ways to Create Effective, Engaging, and Inclusive Meetings

    While we often think about meetings as being places of drain, meetings done well can actually be places of personal and team gain. The key is leveraging evidence-based practices to make meetings genuinely engaging and inclusive. You will learn what we know about virtual, hybrid, and face-to-face meetings from an evidence-based perspective and gain knowledge and resources on how to effectively lead meetings to promote engagement and inclusion. The goal is better meetings and people leaving your meetings energized and feeling valued, rather than frustrated and suffering from meeting recovery syndrome. This keynote can be connected to and framed as addressing any of the following macro themes: leader and team success, creativity and innovation through meetings, fostering a culture of engagement and inclusion, and enhanced productivity through less wasted time.

  • The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings: The One Meeting That Should Never Be an Email

    1:1s could be one of the most crucial meeting types for the success of team members, managers, teams, and organizations. Yet, the research suggests that most managers are doing them wrong; despite thinking they are doing them correctly. The best managers recognize that 1:1s are not an add-on to their role as a manager—conducting 1:1s proficiently IS foundational to being a manager.

What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

Steven is engaging and energizing speaker who translates what we know from science into what we can do differently to make our workplaces better. He has an approachable style that instantly connects with the audience and catches their attention.


What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

We engaged Dr. Rogelberg to speak at a team offsite for the Cisco Collaboration Group. He was an extraordinary speaker: illuminating, dynamic, and funny! His expertise in the science behind meetings is unrivaled, and our team left with many new insights and ideas that will have a material impact on our collaboration business.


What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

The book is amazing! It’s everything I never knew and I always wanted to know about 1:1s! Whether you’re just starting out as a manager, or are a senior executive, a recent graduate, or have decades of experience, Glad We Met is a must read.


What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

Dr. Rogelberg was the highlight of our conference. Not only was he incredibly engaging, but he was highly entertaining! We came away with practical, real world insights and useful tips, strategies, and suggestions. I still think about his session to this day and how to apply it to my work.

Health Care

What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

Steven Rogelberg’s research is both timely and seminal to the area of improving one of our most fundamental management processes, that of meetings…Steven’s ability to present and discuss his work is a unique combination of humor, straight-talk and academic prowess. If you are looking for someone to speak to your leaders or leadership classes would highly recommend Steven as a highly engaging (even downright fun) presenter.

Human Resources

What other organizations say about Steven Rogelberg

This will be the third time we’ve engaged Steven as a keynote speaker and he has never failed to deliver….not only because of his incredible expertise and ability to address any question from our very savvy audience of CEOs, but also, because he is down to earth, relates so well to our attendees, and presents the information in a way that our audience gains deep understandings and new tools to go back and actually make a real difference.



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