Stedman Graham
Stedman Graham on Success
Stedman Graham on Success
Keynote Speaker
Stedman Graham is chairman and CEO of S. Graham and Associates, a management and marketing consulting firm.
Stedman Graham'S SPEAKING FEE $40K - $70K
Stedman Graham is the author of 12 books, including two New York Times bestsellers and one Wall Street Journal bestseller.
As a businessman, educator and keynote speaker, Graham lectures and conducts training programs for corporations and educational organizations worldwide on the topic of identity leadership, based on the philosophy that one cannot lead anyone else until you first lead yourself. He has delivered Identity Leadership programs in The Netherlands, Germany, China, Canada, the UK, Bermuda, and South Africa.
Graham’s clients include Gulfstream, Aerospace, Microsoft, Deloitte, Wells Fargo, Lenovo, General Dynamics, and the US Department of Labor and Education.
Graham is honored as a distinguished visiting professor at colleges and universities throughout the country. He is a former adjunct professor at the Northwestern Kellogg School of Business where he taught the course, “The Dynamics of Leadership.”
As a proud native of Whitesboro, New Jersey, Graham has demonstrated an enduring dedication to youth and community. His New York Times bestseller, Teens Can Make it Happen has become a program utilized in numerous middle and high schools in the US and abroad.
With dedication to community development, Graham is the founder of the Concerned Citizens of Whitesboro and the Concerned Citizens of Lake Wacamaw, North Carolina. He is also the Co-founder of the Community Lines for Youth Success
He has served in the United States Army and played professional basketball in the European League. Graham holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work from Hardin-Simmons University and a Master’s Degree in Education from Ball State University and has been awarded 3 honorary Doctorates.
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