Ruth Rathblott Profile Photo

Ruth Rathblott

Keynote Speaker

Bestselling Author, Singlehandedly. Learning to Unhide and Embrace Connection; Former CEO, Harlem Educational Activities Fund; Former Associate Executive Director, Big Brothers Big Sisters of NYC

As a bestselling author, TEDx speaker, and former CEO, Ruth Rathblott has a dynamic and transformative presence. Ruth’s powerful storytelling and actionable insights on inclusion, diversity, and unhiding empower audiences to embrace their best selves. Her leadership has been recognized with the Goucher College Excellence in Public Service Award and her nonprofit leadership has been featured in The New York Times.

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Ruth Rathblott Profile Photo

As a dynamic and sought-after professional speaker, Ruth Rathblott brings a unique blend of personal experience, leadership expertise, and inspirational storytelling to every presentation. Born with a limb difference, she spent years hiding her true self, which fueled her passion for helping others unhide and embrace their authentic identities.

Her keynotes, such as “Singlehandedly. How a Disability Showed Me What We Are All Hiding,” “Unhide and Thrive: 4 Transformative Steps to Discovering Your Best Self,” and “Live Your Best Life, Lead with Authenticity: Embrace Freedom, Focus, and Fulfillment” provide actionable strategies for personal and professional growth. Ruth guides audiences on a journey toward acceptance, highlighting the importance of inclusion, belonging, and living with authenticity. By sharing her journey and practical insights, she empowers leaders and teams to create supportive, innovative environments where everyone can thrive. Her presentations are not just talks—they are calls to action that inspire lasting change and foster a culture of openness and engagement.

Featured Videos

Ruth Rathblott Profile Photo
Ruth Rathblott

Ruth Rathblott on Hiding Herself

Ruth Rathblott Profile Photo
Ruth Rathblott

Ruth Rathblott on When She Started Hiding

Ruth Rathblott Profile Photo
Ruth Rathblott

Ruth Rathblott and Roger Ferguson on the Important Parts of Leadership

Ruth Rathblott’s Speech Topics

  • Singlehandedly. How a Disability Showed Me What We Are All Hiding

    Are you hiding parts of yourself to fit in and overcompensate? This keynote will show you how hiding creates barriers, preventing you from reaching your full potential. Learn from my journey out of hiding and discover how embracing your unique traits can transform you into a stronger leader and more engaged employee. You will gain insights on how to move beyond checking the box on diversity, creating a truly inclusive culture that fosters authenticity, engagement, and innovation.

  • Unhide and Thrive: 4 Transformative Steps to Discovering Your Best Self

    Are you ready to unleash your true potential and live an extraordinary life? This keynote provides actionable steps to face challenges openly, ask for help without fear, and share your experiences to inspire others. By owning your differences and creating space for others to do the same, you’ll foster a more inclusive and compassionate workplace. Discover how authenticity can enhance your well-being, strengthen your connections, and drive success for you and your team.

  • Live Your Best Life, Lead With Authenticity: Embrace Freedom, Focus, and Fulfillment

    Are you ready to lead by example and inspire your team to unlock their true potential and excel professionally? This keynote empowers leaders to embrace freedom, focus, and fulfillment, setting the stage for transformative change. You will learn to overcome self-imposed limitations, enhance focus by aligning with your best self, achieve deep fulfillment by integrating authenticity with professional goals, and create a supportive environment for your team. Lead with authenticity and inspire your organization to unhide, thrive, and achieve unparalleled success.

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