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Karen Eber

Keynote Speaker

Best-Selling Author of The Perfect Story; TED speaker; Former Head of Culture and Leadership Development, Eber Leadership Group

Karen Eber is an expert at helping people become memorable and engaging communicators, leaders, and storytellers. Karen shows audiences how to improve their storytelling and communications to inform, influence, and inspire others. Karen breaks down the neuroscience of storytelling and how to apply it without relying on complicated models or one-size-fits-all prescriptions. She makes storytelling accessible with practical and impactful steps for anyone to tell the perfect story for any occasion.

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Karen Eber'S SPEAKING FEE $25K - $40K

Karen Eber Profile Photo

Karen Eber is a best-selling author, TED speaker, and international consultant. Karen’s TED Talk and book The Perfect Story continue to inspire millions. Known for her storytelling, Karen helps audiences gain clarity for the path forward, even in thunderstorms. 

As a former Head of Culture and Leadership Development at General Electric and Deloitte, Karen’s experience on both sides of the desk helps her connect with the challenges audiences face. She provides practical tools that attendees can apply that day and remember long after the session. Her message has resonated across all industries in the Fortune 500, at universities, and in the media.

Described as a friend onstage, she simplifies storytelling complexities, providing practical steps for both the what and why. With two decades of experience at General Electric and Deloitte, Karen connects globally, impacting 90,000 employees in 150 countries. A four-time American Training and Development winner with a Master’s in Instructional Design, Karen’s keynotes transform perspectives, offering actionable insights that resonate long after the session.

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Karen Eber

Karen Eber on the Science of Storytelling

Karen Eber’s Speech Topics

  • The Perfect Story: How to Tell Stories that Inform, Influence, and Inspire

    Today’s world values connections and clear and compelling information. Your ability to connect with the hearts and minds of your audience determines your success. 

    Whether in person or virtual, storytelling can help sell a product or service, land an idea in a meeting, or communicate with a loved one. It’s memorable, informative, and builds trust. Especially when communicating data. Data doesn’t change our behaviors, emotions do, and emotions are best engaged through storytelling. 

    But it’s not enough to tell a story. The way you tell one makes a difference in the experience for the listener. It all comes down to how the story engages the brains of your audience. 

    This talk demonstrates how to scientifically hack the art of storytelling by leveraging the Five Factory Settings of the Brain. Karen makes storytelling accessible by sharing where to find story ideas, and how to apply a simple, memorable model for telling stories that inform, influence, and inspire for any setting. 

    This talk covers:

    • Describing and applying the science of storytelling.
    • Finding endless ideas for stories to tell.
    • Defining your audience and the desired outcomes for the story.
    • Applying a structure to the story.
    • Including details and emotions that engage the brain.
  • What Story Does Your Culture Tell?

    Culture is a top priority, yet many companies are unclear how to create a flexible culture that can adjust to a changing business environment. Especially with hybrid work. Culture doesn’t exist within walls, it is demonstrated and reinforced through interactions.

    Every culture tells a story. Not just at the organizational level, but through teams and how values are demonstrated day-to-day. The story of your culture is told as your employees talk to fellow team members, friends, family, and possibly recruits. Knowing the story your culture tells gives you the true experience of work, and it helps you intentionally shape what is desired.

    As a former Global Head of Culture at GE and Head of Leadership Development at Deloitte, Karen helps Fortune 500 organizations implement practical behaviors at all levels to shape culture, especially on teams. This researched, story-based talk covers the neuroscience behind culture, common challenges faced, how to discover the story of your culture, and how to equip leaders and teams to shape the desired culture for your organization.


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