Jordan Rogers Profile Photo

Jordan Rogers

Keynote Speaker

Marketing Consultant; Content Creator; Former Brand Marketing Executive at Nike; Ambassador, Second Chance Hiring

As a heroin addict turned Nike Executive, Jordan Rogers inspires teams through the power of storytelling and serving.

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Jordan Rogers'S SPEAKING FEE Under $25,000

Jordan Rogers Profile Photo

Jordan Rogers’ speaking foundations were built in rehabs, prisons, and detoxes, where he served individuals striving for freedom and recovery. His ability was further refined during a career in brand marketing at Nike, a role demanding creative storytelling to connect with audiences. Daily presentations to teams, executives, athletes, and artists honed his skills even more.

Now, he travels the country, teaching top corporate and college teams about the power of story and serving others. Through his own story of overcoming heroin addiction and incarceration, he inspires them, demonstrating the valuable life lessons and business truths that can be implemented by embracing the power of story and serving others.

Featured Videos

Jordan Rogers Profile Photo
Jordan Rogers

Jordan Rogers on Being a Team Player

Jordan Rogers Profile Photo
Jordan Rogers

Jordan Rogers on Personal Branding

Jordan Rogers’s Speech Topics

  • Branding and Blessings: Life Lessons for Leadership and Distinction

    Branding and Blessings is a keynote and workshop designed for teams to learn about the power of personal branding. Through Jordan’s inspirational story and insights, team members will learn how to take initiative and articulate their story, both strengths and struggles, into a leadership profile. They will learn how to amplify their impact by blessing others — both customers and colleagues — in a manner connected with their story. 

  • Victory in Vulnerability: The Power of Story and Service in Marketing, Communications, and Cultures

    In this customizable keynote, Jordan Rogers inspires teams through his story going from heroin addiction and incarceration to becoming a brand marketing executive at Nike, taking powerful life lessons that transcend genres and teach the power of service through story. 

    This enables teams to learn best practices from the best storytellers and marketers in the world to better serve their customers and employees on a deeper level.


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