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Jamie Valvano

Keynote Speaker

Inspirational Speaker, Advocate, and Cancer Survivor

Jamie Valvano captivates audiences through emotional storytelling. Although she lost her father, Jim Valvano, in 1993, he created a powerful legacy that has continued to serve as her guide. Jamie draws wisdom from her own diagnosis of cancer, raising a special needs child, healing from loss, and gratefully embracing survivorship.

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Jamie Valvano Profile Photo

Jamie Valvano fondly remembers her Dad sharing anecdotes from a transformative speech from his youth. The guest speaker at his basketball camp, Reverend Bob Richards, uttered, “God must have loved ordinary people because he made so many of us. But ordinary people accomplish the extraordinary.” That day, a seed was planted inside Jim Valvano, forever changing how he lived his life.

Today, Jamie Valvano continues her father’s message as she shares the three essential elements of living an extraordinary existence. She assists individuals in formulating  bold, audacious visions, gathering a united team, and finding the power to persevere. Teams will walk away unified as Jamie reveals the lessons that have allowed her to find purpose. 

Jamie is boldly authentic as she describes the journey to her “cutting down the nets” victories. However, you will feel a deeper connection to the emotional resilience she discovered in the midst of her struggles. She follows her father’s instructions and moves her audience to laugh, think, and cry. Individuals will reconnect with their divine vision and believe in their own extraordinary.

Featured Videos

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Jamie Valvano

Jamie Valvano on the Support from Duke Cancer Center

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Jamie Valvano

Jamie Valvano on How Her Father Inspired Her

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Jamie Valvano

Jamie Valvano on Leaving a Legacy

Jamie Valvano Profile Photo
Jamie Valvano

Jamie Valvano on the Evolution of the V Foundation

Jamie Valvano’s Speech Topics

  • An Extraordinary Life

    Conceiving an audacious vision, surrounding yourself with a passionate team, and refusing to give up are the key components to experiencing your “cutting down the nets” moments. Jamie shares the unbelievable story of her father’s legacy, and her own battle to survive and advance through hardships. Individuals will be inspired to examine every area of their own lives as they contemplate the unimaginable that is within reach. 

What other organizations say about Jamie Valvano

Jamie Valvano captivated the audience of 300 plus women as she shared her vision for living an extraordinary life. Our attendees were uplifted and left our event with smiles, many of them said they felt as if Jamie spoke directly to them, and she would be someone they would want to be friends with and a speaker they would never forget. I strongly recommend Jamie as a speaker and would be happy to speak with anyone who was undecided.

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