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Jairek Robbins

Keynote Speaker

#1 Best-Selling Author of LIVE IT! Achieve Success By Living With Purpose, PRESIDENT of SUCCESS ENTERPRISES and CEO of HIGH PERFORMANCE VENTURES, LLC and Recipient of the Congressional Award (Gold Medal)

Jairek Robbins has 16+ years of one on one performance coaching focused on helping our clients achieve world-class results. He has had the privilege to work with sales teams, leadership teams and even the U.S. Air Force Special Operations Pararescue Jumpers to assist them in optimizing human performance. He focuses on the cutting-edge science, bio hacks and strategies to enhance your mental focus, productivity, resilience and overall performance.

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Jairek Robbins'S SPEAKING FEE Over $70,000

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18+ years of speaking around the globe & building a high-performance coaching brand that is respected and recognized all around the world (Japan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, Australia, Netherlands, United States, Canada…etc.) We currently have 8,500+ students from 126+ countries in our newest online program.

Their biggest problem is that they have so much going on they tend to drop some of the essential habits and tasks each day that will eventually cause everything to come crumbling down in a heart attack, divorce or bankruptcy.

We hold them 100% accountable to do the little things each day that they know they need to be doing to be the happiest, healthiest, strongest and most fulfilled versions of themselves.

In working with us, they go from being overwhelmed, exhausted, stressed and headed for an eventual heart attack, divorce or bankruptcy to

Happy + Healthy + Strong + Fulfilled & with a beautiful flourishing family + relationship.

Featured Videos

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Jairek Robbins

Jairek Robbins and the 33% Formula

Jairek Robbins’s Speech Topics


    Did you know that 80% of workers feel stress on the job and that nearly half say they need help in learning how to manage stress? In fact, Harvard and others researchers report that job stress carries a price tag of over $300 billion annually in the U.S. alone. Job stress is more strongly associated with health complaints than financial or family problems. Accidents, absenteeism, employee turnover, diminished productivity, direct medical, legal, and insurance costs as well as many Workers’ compensation awards are all a direct result of workplace stress. Learn bio-hacks and cutting edge strategies that have helped millions of people around the world have more energy, maximize personal productivity and increase overall happiness while losing weight and feeling far less stressed.

    • Daily brain boosting exercises to instantly reduce overall stress load and clear brain fog, while increasing clarity, focus and productivity.
    • An exact plan to optimize personal performance with key habits and tools for the body & mind
    • Research backed strategies and a 12 week guide to help lose weight, feel great, and decrease chances of illness.
    • Robbins trademarked Ideal Day vision planning process & the two most important tips to experience deeper meaning, purpose and fulfillment in life and business.
  • BUSINESS GROWTH & COMPANY CULTURE (for small business owners and entrepreneurs)

    According to research by the Small Business Administration (SBA) & National Federation of Independent Business Owners (NFIB) 50% of businesses will fail in the first 5 years and 96% will fail in the first 10 years. Out of the ones that survive… Only 39% are profitable 30% break even 30% lose money 1% cannot say Learn what it takes to become a highly profitable business OWNER who builds a team of rock solid A-players and how to avoid being a beat up, tired and exhausted business operator who has a big business producing very little profits and excessive turnover with a struggling team.

    Key Takeaways from the presentation:
    • Discover the 5 factors of business growth and create a strategy that can add up to $100,000+ in revenue in the first 30 – 90 days.
    • Identify the biggest risks to your business and ensure that you have a rock solid defense to protect what you’ve worked so hard to build. Ensure you don’t end up being one of the 96% that fail.
    • Quickly add 20% more NET PROFIT to your bottom line within 30 days or less.

What other organizations say about Jairek Robbins

As part of our leadership development strategy, we created internal Leadership Summits as an opportunity to teach, develop and inspire our leaders. We invited Jairek to host the final summit of our 2022 season on the topic of Inspirational Leadership. Jairek was the best person to host this summit and our leaders were so impressed with his content, delivery, and interaction. It was a pleasure having Jairek lead our event and we look forward to working with him and his team in the future!



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