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Christine Todd Whitman

WSB Exclusive Speaker

EPA Administrator (2001-2003) and Former New Jersey Governor

With unparalleled knowledge and passion for environmental issues, Christine Todd Whitman shares a new— and compelling— framework on the collaboration between economic growth and environmental policy making.

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Christine Todd Whitman Profile Photo

As the former Environmental Protection Agency administrator under President George W. Bush, Whitman provides political insight—and understanding—on the contentious environmental and emerging energy concerns of our day. Currently the President of The Whitman Strategy Group, a consulting group that specializes in energy and environmental issues, Whitman provides a powerful voice on issues including nuclear power and protecting the global environment. As the respected former governor of New Jersey previous to her role at the EPA, Whitman knows all the key players in politics, understands what leaders must to do to get things done and delivers audiences a unique perspective on today’s headlines.

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Christine Todd Whitman

Janet Napolitano and Christine Todd Whitman

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Christine Todd Whitman

Christine Todd Whitman on Perils of Pulling Out of Climate Deal

Christine Todd Whitman Profile Photo
Christine Todd Whitman

Christine Todd Whitman: What’s Next for Democracy

Christine Todd Whitman’s Speech Topics

  • Politics in an Age of Partisanship: A Prescription for Change

    Today’s rising generation has come of age in an era marked by bitter and destructive partisanship that has produced deep doubt about the ability of American politicians to address America’s problems. Throughout her long and successful career, Whitman has been a strong and effective advocate for changing the very nature of how America conducts its political discourse. Her New York Times best seller, It’s My Party Too: The Coming Battle for the Heart of the GOP and the Future of America, was a harbinger for what is facing the America today. In this lively and candid talk, Whitman delivers a frank account of the current political climate detailing the damage done by years of hyper-partisanship and offers a pragmatic prescription for changing the nature of American politics.

  • Women, Leadership, Power and Politics: Overcoming Obstacles

    Starting out her political career in the early days of modern feminism nearly 40 years ago, Whitman has witnessed first-hand the transformation of women’s role in politics and government. From her first government job in the Nixon Administration, to becoming New Jersey’s first female governor, leading the Environmental Protection Agency, and creating her own company, Whitman has blazed a unique trail through the some of the toughest terrain in American politics and government. Known for her straightforward, no-nonsense approach to leadership, Whitman has learned how to achieve personal and organizational objectives, handle difficult situations, and overcome obstacles.

    In a compelling presentation, she shares with audiences:

    • Personal stories and hard-won advice from her storied political career
    • Needed perspective on the challenges and opportunities facing women today in every aspect of American society
    • What it takes to succeed in the public and private sectors
  • The Shifting Environmental Policymaking Climate: Staying Ahead While Going Green

    As the leader of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the governor of New Jersey, Whitman has wrestled with some of the most challenging public policy issues confronting government, business and the scientific community today. The public’s expectation of what government and business should be doing to contribute to the protection of our natural environment is undergoing rapid and significant change. In a provocative and informative presentation, Whitman explores the most complex environmental challenges facing America and the world today and helps audiences:

    • Better understand the environmental challenges they face daily
    • Understand the role that the government plays in shaping public policy
    • More effectively develop the strategies they need to do their part

What other organizations say about Christine Todd Whitman

Governor Whitman was a hit.

Financial Services

What other organizations say about Christine Todd Whitman

[Christine Todd Whitman] was a hit – quite an accomplishment with the varied backgrounds and positions of those in attendance. She was warm, personable, and unassuming; she was very refreshing.


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