Carla Harris
How to Start Your Own Power Presentation
How to find the person who can help you get ahead at work
How to Start Your Own Power Presentation
Keynote Speaker
Senior Client Advisor, Morgan Stanley
Carla Harris has extensive industry experiences in the technology, media, retail, telecommunications, transportation, industrial, and healthcare sectors. In August 2013, Ms. Harris was appointed by President Barack Obama to chair the National Women’s Business Council.
Carla Harris'S SPEAKING FEE $40K - $70K
Carla Harris has extensive industry experiences in the technology, media, retail, telecommunications, transportation, industrial, and healthcare sectors. In August 2013, Ms. Harris was appointed by President Barack Obama to chair the National Women’s Business Council.
Carla Harris’s passion lies in helping others. As she says, “we are blessed, so that we can be a blessing to others.” While climbing the corporate ladder, Harris had her own personal missteps amidst numerous victories. She vowed that when she reached senior management and people came to her for advice, she would provide them with the tools, strategies, and pearls of wisdom honed by her own experience.
Harris is responsible for increasing client connectivity and penetration to enhance revenue generation across Morgan Stanley. She formerly headed the Emerging Manager Platform, the equity capital markets effort for the consumer and retail industries, and was responsible for Equity Private Placements.
Carla speaks about the proven strategies that have helped her succeed and thrive on Wall Street. This presentation shines the light on her self-described “Pearls” of wisdom. She helps audiences maximize success from where they currently find themselves, as well as increasing the odds of reaching the position they aspire to. Discussion points include the importance—and the power—of perceptions in the workplace, key relationships needed to ensure your success, and the role authenticity plays in being a powerful leader.
Carla Harris is the Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley, that’s true. But she is also a gospel recording artist, and author of two books: Expect to Win: 10 Proven Strategies to Surviving in the Workplace and Strategize to Win: The New Way to Start Out, Step Up, or Start Over in Your Career.
In this presentation, Carla talks with audiences about the components of positioning yourself to maximize success as a leader in your current career environment or in the environment you desire. The concepts of performance currency vs. relationship currency are explored, as well as how to manage change, create change, and become an impactful and influential leader.
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