Brian Banks Profile Photo

Brian Banks

Keynote Speaker

Inspirational Speaker; Resiliency and Leadership Thought Leader; Author, What Set Me Free and Resilient Echoes

Brian Banks inspires audiences with his powerful story of overcoming wrongful conviction to achieve freedom and success. His journey highlights resilience, leadership, and the strength to rise above adversity.

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Brian Banks'S SPEAKING FEE $25K - $40K

Brian Banks Profile Photo

Brian Banks is an inspirational speaker renowned for his compelling narrative of resilience and leadership. Wrongfully convicted at the age of 16, Brian fought tirelessly to clear his name and reclaim his life, a journey that was later captured in the feature film “Brian Banks.” Based in Southern California, he has shared his story on platforms like 60 Minutes, ESPN, CNN, and The Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

As the author of What Set Me Free and Resilient Echoes, Brian brings firsthand experience to his presentations, emphasizing the power of resilience, leadership, and overcoming adversity. His talks offer valuable insights for corporate, educational, and community audiences, making each engagement a unique and impactful experience.

Featured Videos

Brian Banks Profile Photo
Brian Banks

Brian Banks on The Pressures of Life

Brian Banks Profile Photo
Brian Banks

Brian Banks on His Journey

Brian Banks’s Speech Topics

  • Power Through Resilience: Overcoming Life’s Hurdles

    Brian candidly shares his journey from wrongful conviction to exoneration, sharing real-life stories and lessons on how to stay strong when the odds are against you. Attendees learn practical tips for building resilience and finding strength during tough times.

  • Leadership Under Pressure: Leading with Integrity

    Drawing on his experiences, Brian explores what it means to lead with integrity and the importance of making decisions that align with your values, especially under pressure. This talk inspires attendees to become leaders who inspire trust and confidence in their teams and communities.

  • Turning Adversity into Opportunity

    Brian discusses how to turn challenges into stepping stones for success. He shares strategies for viewing adversity not as a setback but as a setup for remarkable achievements, encouraging the audience to shift their perspective and embrace the lessons learned from difficult experiences.

What other organizations say about Brian Banks

He was wonderful! After his speech and Q&A he received a standing ovation from our students, and about a 1/3 of our audience stayed for photos. Brian uses his experiences to send a strong, heartfelt, and inspiring message to his audience. It’s rare that we would contract a speaker or performer that we haven’t ever seen before, but he was totally worth it.

Universities & Colleges

What other organizations say about Brian Banks

Brian was great! We had over 120 folks in attendance, and I think everyone took a lot from his message. He was great to work with, super flexible and easy going. I also know all of the students who were coordinating his visit said he was fantastic!

Universities & Colleges

What other organizations say about Brian Banks

He was GREAT! Honestly, he was the best speaker we have brought to campus. He was engaging, personable, compelling, and pushed for students to have self-respect.

Universities & Colleges

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