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Anjali Kumar

Keynote Speaker

Advisor, Author, Attorney, Speaker, Angel Investor, “Idea Acupuncturist”

Anjali Kumar is a Brooklyn born, first generation Indian American author, attorney, advisor, speaker, and "idea acupuncturist."

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Anjali Kumar'S SPEAKING FEE $25K - $40K

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Anjali Kumar works with entrepreneurs and C-level executives in all stages of business, focusing on early-stage tech, consumer products, and luxury fashion companies with a social conscience.

Anjali recently founded Slightly Reserved, an advisory firm focusing on legal counsel and business strategy for entrepreneurs, executives, talent, and brands. She is also a co-founder of COVID Tech Connect which sent nearly 20,000 smart devices to hospitals and senior care facilities across the US that allow critically ill patients to connect with their loved ones.

Prior to that, Anjali was the Founding Chief People Officer and General Counsel at Cheddar, the Founding Head of Social Innovation and Founding General Counsel at Warby Parker, Founding General Counsel at Acumen, and Senior Counsel at Google.

While at Google, Anjali curated and hosted the @Google Speaker Series on the NYC campus, bringing Googlers from around the globe face-to-face with today’s most prominent and innovative thought leaders including Anthony Bourdain, Questlove, and Jacques Pépin and hosted a YouTube interview series “Lunchtime at Google.”

Anjali’s 2017 TED Talk based on her book Stalking God: My Unorthodox Search For Something To Believe In (Hachette 2018), has been watched by 5 million people around the world and translated into over twenty languages. A television show based on her book is in development.

Anjali earned her BA in Biomedical Ethics from Brown University and a JD from Boston University School of Law. She is an Adjunct Professor at Columbia Business School and Fordham University and continues to advise non-profit organizations including Malala Fund and

In 2016, she was appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio to join the NYC Children’s Cabinet Advisory Board and the board of directors of GrowNYC. Anjali currently serves on the board of directors of Happy Money, IFundWomen, Women’s World Banking, Amplifier, POV, and GloScience Professional.

Featured Videos

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Anjali Kumar

My failed mission to find God — and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar

Anjali Kumar’s Speech Topics

  • Transform the Norm

    Anjali Kumar works with all stages of businesses, focusing on early stage tech and consumer product companies with a social conscience, in order to transform the norm of how businesses work by helping them do well – and do good.

  • The Imperative for Diversity in the Work Place

    In November 2017, Anjali Kumar gave a TED talk about her search for God and the meaning of life, and received a standing ovation. Since it went live in January 2018, her talk has been watched by well over 3 million viewers around the world. It has been translated into numerous languages, and rated as beautiful, inspiring, and funny. But the content of that talk is only a small fraction of what Kumar has to say about the value of an open mind, the importance of embracing extreme diversity, and the Eastern concept of anekāntavāda—non-absolutism.

    Pulling from her personal experience as a nonwhite, female lawyer working in the white, male dominated tech industry—Google, Warby Parker, Cheddar—Kumar will step well beyond her TED talk and demonstrate how we can redirect the conversation about diversity and gender equality in the workplace by embracing the concept of non-absolutism.

    Linking this Eastern concept with compelling data on diversity of race and gender from PEW Research, HBR, and MIT, she will expose just how systemic discrimination is, how misguided our thinking about diversity in the workplace is, and she will change how we perceive the value of all forms of diversity. In this inspiring, game changing talk, Kumar will help us to stop framing diversity in business from the standpoint of necessary window dressing, compliance, and optics—or even a moral obligation—and start thinking about it as an untapped and proven means to increase creativity, jumpstart innovation, and produce more stable, higher revenue generating companies that are better places for everyone to work.


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