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Andy Bernstein

Keynote Speaker

Founder and CEO, Resilience Academy; Author of The Myth of Stress/Breaking the Stress Cycle

Andy Bernstein teaches people a new way to handle challenges, without jargon, or stigma. He has been the audience favorite at dozens of national conferences because his content is enlightening, relevant, funny, and transformational, both at work and at home.

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Andy Bernstein'S SPEAKING FEE $40K - $70K

Andy Bernstein Profile Photo

Andy Bernstein has been one of the highest-rated speakers for thousands of leaders at Wharton Executive Education for 17 years because his content is:

  • EYE-OPENING: Andy shares the most important thing for better leadership, stronger teams, and personal well-being, all based on data. This is content that most people find enlightening and valuable, both personally and professionally.
  • PRACTICAL: Attendees don’t just get a new framework. They also get a 7-step tool that helps them break through challenges in their lives, with zero stigma or “touchy-feeliness” (it’s done on paper).
  • INTERACTIVE: Andy leads everyone through the 7 steps in the session. People love the interactivity. It also gives audience members something to take away and continue using.
  • ENGAGING: Andy’s specialty is skeptical, jaded leaders tired of motivational pep talks. He shows up as a warm, relatable, intelligent person here to offer real value. He will tailor the content to your audience. He’s easy to work with. And he’s funny (he used to write for the Muppets.)

If you are looking for a speaker who people will thank you for afterwards, Andy is at the top of the list.

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Andy Bernstein

Andy Bernstein Speaking Reel

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Andy Bernstein

Andy Bernstein Presentation Overview

Andy Bernstein’s Speech Topics

  • Mastering Stress, Resilience, and Change

    If you are considering a resilience keynote for your audience, this session is different. Instead of rehashed stress management, we start by seeing that the way we understand stress today is based largely on the work of one man: stress research pioneer Hans Selye, who taught the whole world how stress worked, where it came from (he coined the term “stressor,”) and what to do about it. 

    Selye was one of the most influential scientists of the 20th century. He was also fundamentally wrong.

    In this eye-opening session:

    • you’ll see why Selye was wrong — and the disastrous consequences this has had on global well-being 
    • you’ll learn how stress and resilience really work — and why there is no such thing as a stressor
    • you’ll discover a new way to stop managing stress and start eliminating it — without positive thinking, motivation, or “touchy-feeliness” 
    • and you’ll get to try this for yourself, going through a specific sequence of mind-shifting steps that provoke a breakthrough, even for large, skeptical, senior audiences — without anyone having to say a word

    This session is not about managing or accepting stress. It’s about leveraging stress and turning it into a springboard for greater happiness, deeper relationships, and stronger team performance in a way that is smart, relevant, and practical.

    Note: The session can be bundled with books, and automatically comes with three months of online family memberships per participant to deliver much greater value over typical keynotes.

  • The Most Important Thing

    What matters most for happiness in life? Money? Achievements? Love? We start by examining the world’s longest study of adult well-being, and why the real answer isn’t any of these things. We also look at the most important thing for high-performing teams (again based on data), and why it’s not talent, willpower, and other common assumptions. And then we discover a tool that helps attendees build both greater well-being and stronger team performance in just 7 steps, with no blame, stigma, or “touchy-feeliness.”

  • Crucibles

    How can you build humble, driven, team- and mission-focused leaders able to deal with personal, organizational, and cultural challenges more effectively?

    Crucibles are high-temperature vessels used to melt metals, but we use the term figuratively to represent adverse experiences that transform us. We see why crucibles matter, how they work, and the internal dynamics that give them the power to make or break us as leaders and human beings.

    Then we discover eye-opening tools that harness the power of crucibles to transform challenges more effectively, building the flexible, compassionate, clear-minded leaders and organizations we desperately need.

  • The Why and How of Great Teams

    In this specialized workshop for teams, we discover what matters most for team performance based on data, and why it’s not talent, motivation, communication, and other assumptions.

    We look at the two most validated traits of effective leadership, and how “crucible” experiences produce better leaders.

    And then we use a 7-step reframing tool to develop stronger teams from the inside out.

    If you are serious about driving change, this session gives participants a clear framework and practical tools to take team performance to a higher level.

What other organizations say about Andy Bernstein

Eye-opening on changing your perspective when dealing with tough issues and solving them.

Financial Services

What other organizations say about Andy Bernstein

Groundbreaking. This was the first time I’ve been given a logical, step-by-step process to get from the beginning point to the end point of changed awareness without being intimidating or too New Agey.


What other organizations say about Andy Bernstein

Eye-opening. It’s quite different from other training programs because this is more than just accepting that I can’t change my surroundings. Instead, it changes my perspective. Very positive.  


What other organizations say about Andy Bernstein

The most beneficial hour of training I’ve had in a very long time. A great tool. I wish I’d learned this 30 years ago.

Financial Services


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