Amy Dacey
Amy Dacey on Voting
Amy Dacey Speaking Reel 2022
Amy Dacey on Voting
Keynote Speaker
Executive Director, the Sine Institute of Policy and Politics, American University; CEO of the Democratic National Committee 2014-2016; Executive Director of Emily’s List (2010- 2013)
Amy K. Dacey uses her 25-year career in government, politics, the private sector, non-profits, and academia to provide you a 360-degree view of the state of national and global politics, women’s empowerment, and the necessary leadership skills to build a path forward for current and future success.
Amy Dacey'S SPEAKING FEE Under $25,000
Amy K. Dacey is Executive Director of the Sine Institute of Policy & Politics at American University. For more than two decades, she managed prominent national organizations, advised leading elected officials and candidates, including President Barack Obama and Senator John Kerry, and counseled a variety of non-profits and companies.
Before joining AU, Amy was President of AKD Strategies, a strategic firm working with non-profits and foundations in the progressive policy space. During the 2016 presidential election, she served as the Chief Executive Officer of the Democratic National Committee. During the 2004 elections, she worked for then-Senator John Kerry on his presidential campaign and, following his narrow loss, helped to lead Kerry’s political operation. She also managed Rep. Louise Slaughter’s congressional campaign in 1998.
From 2010 to 2013, Amy served as Executive Director of EMILY’s List, the organization dedicated to electing Democratic women to national, state, and local offices, and led the organization’s revitalization, restructuring, and rebranding efforts. In addition, she served in various leadership positions for several other organizations, including the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Fund for America, the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. Recently, Amy served as Executive Vice President and Managing Director for MWWPR, one of the world’s top independent public relations agencies.
Today’s society looks so different from generations ago, and that is influencing how we work and how we succeed in a competitive global economy. With her 360-degree view of America’s evolving workforce, Dacey can share insights from a public, private, and labor standpoint on what the work of the future looks like, and how the fourth Industrial Revolution will shape all our lives. As she devotes her time on college campuses, she is also understanding the workforce of the future and what to expect.
You will learn:
Dacey has spent decades working with women and women’s organizations in the political and public space. Whether running organizations that encourage and support women to run for office to ones that focus on policy issues affecting women and their families, Dacey has dedicated years to making sure women not only have a seat at the table, but are writing the menu. Her 360-degree perspectives also share insights on the impact of bringing women’s voices into the conversation, the challenges of getting them there, and why the work must continue on.
You will learn:
Amy Dacey can use her decades long experience in politics and government to share the state of politics and performance for governments and their leaders. She can do this for various topics and policy priorities. Amy is always engaging with organizations and the media focusing on this work; combined with her experiences, she provides a compelling narrative of what is happening while at the same time-sharing valuable insights and scenarios.
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