The Whitney M. Young Jr. Professor of Marketing, Co-Founder of Persona Partners
Americus Reed is a Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School and the world’s leading expert on “Identity” and its interface between social science and business.
Americus Reed is a Father, Professor, Researcher, Entrepreneur, Speaker, Angel Investor, Fitness Geek, Musician, and Student of life. Unlike other educators and motivational speakers, he brings all his own identities to bare to create a right brain and left-brain fusion of deep scholarly research and pop-culture “edutainment.”
He is the Whitney M. Young, Jr. Professor of Marketing at the Wharton School. He brings 25+ years of research, teaching and consulting experience in leveraging deep social psychological analysis on how the topic of “Identity” and the complexity of how a person, organization, brand, or service creates self-expression and how this interfaces with various domains of business (Accelerating Growth, Creating True Loyalty, Work Identity and Organizational Culture and Calling, Persuasion and consumer targeting, and Brand Crisis).
His limitless passion energizes his work as the world’s leading “identity theorist.” His deliverables are designed to inform, advise and collaborate with the world’s obsessively intellectually curious individuals and most cutting-edge organizations. Americus has worked with companies like Disney, Apple, Microsoft, Google, Estee Lauder, Samsung, SAP, the Philadelphia Eagles, and Nike.
His calling is to help diagnose, identify, and develop people and firms’ unique gifts inherent in their own identities, so that they may flourish and thrive in all aspects of their lives.
An avid musician and athlete, he is a tireless educator with infinite energy. Drawing upon the superpowers of both right brain left brain, Americus relentlessly motivates, inspires and engages his audiences with humor, wit and creativity, but importantly infused with science, data and evidence.
He has authored more than 50 articles, book chapters, and cases on the topic. Americus is a recipient of the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP) 2023 Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award.
Americus describes the power of branding in this TEDx conversation. He has been featured on CNN, CNBC, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, Huffington Post, New York Times, NPR, the Hidden Brain Podcast, and Knowledge at Wharton. He hosts a Podcast called Marketing Matters which airs live on Wednesdays on Wharton’s Sirius XM Channel 132 Business Radio. He teaches customer analysis, branding, and consumer psychology to undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, and executive students.
Americus Reed on Maximizing Your Brand’s Potential
Americus Reed on AI and Marketing
Americus Reed on Branding For a Better You
Meet Americus Reed
Americus Reed on Maximizing Your Brand’s Potential
Americus Reed’s Speech Topics
The Right (And Wrong) Ways Deploy Artificial Intelligence (AI)
One of the burning questions is how will artificial intelligence affect our lives as consumers, marketers, and society? In this talk, Americus Reed unpacks the power of understanding how humans interface with technology and what the evidence based research says about how to deploy A.I. into the market place in a way that
preserves its effectiveness
lowers consumer fear and uncertainty through information/education efforts
protects society from its dark side potentiality.
Drawing upon THE latest cutting-edge research conducted at his home institution (The Wharton School) and its relevant centers focused on A.I. (human-technology interaction, health & wellbeing, creativity & innovation, education, policy, governance & ethics, and business solutions) he describes the best in class, best practices on how to optimize A.I. in the marketplace.
Understanding How to Create True (Identity) Loyalty
In this talk, Americus Reed discusses the concept of “Identity Loyalty” and describes how it relates to creating a deeply emotional and lifelong connection with a customer. Identity loyalty is when a product, brand, service, or organization becomes internalized as part of who you are. In this talk, Reed describes how to create identity loyalty from scratch. How to monitor and nurture it over time and how to make sure that the brand can through word of mouth and advocacy, create a community of fierce loyalists who will protect the brand, defend it and do its marketing for free. The concept of Identity Loyalty is a powerful tool to utilize the psychology of affiliation, tribalism, and belonging to create a connection that becomes virtually impossible to sever. Reed describes this process, which is relevant to Fortune 500 companies, startups, services, and business-to-business relationships.
The New World Order of Marketing: How Consumers Engage With Your Brand and How You Have to Engage with Them
In this conversation Professor Reed takes you into the cutting edge logic of the Wharton School to explain the 6 key principals of the “New Consumer Engagement” paradigm. Gone are the days of one-way communication. The customer is now in an ongoing conversation with your product, service or organization and if you are not co-creating your tribe by innovative ways to enhance “Identity Loyalty,” you will be leaving money on the table, making yourself vulnerable to competitive risk exposure and not optimizing your brand as a symbol of self-expression. This strategy clearly requires a fusion of how tech innovation and marketing can converge to deliver on the new world order’s required value propositions which become much more mission critical during disruptive events like the current pandemic. Moreover, in this era of #SocialJustice, consumers can now pressure test what you believe your product, brand, service or organization stands for and will push you to reveal your “WHY”, i.e., the core values that underlie your brand and its business model and operating principals as a global citizen. Professor Reed will discuss and overview the newest approaches to this paradigm including cutting edge data collection methods, and channel and message delivery to the community of advocates you are trying to build.
Key Takeaways:
Navel Gazing in the Pandemic: Your consumer is thinking about whether or not you are really critical in their lives, is this a danger to you? Or an opportunity?
Transactional versus Relational focus: The Identity Loyalty Imperative will save many brands from post pandemic abandonment because self-expression is marketing nirvana and consumers are looking for connection and affiliation.
The need to reimagine your business: You better become the Jane Goodall of your customers and understand how you fit into consumers’ lives from a 360 degree point of view, do you REALLY know what business you are in?
Build the identity of your company from within: The authenticity of your “Why” is what rules the day. Human talent needs to be fostered around the vision and tech and marketing need to merge.
The purpose of purpose: Taking a stand is what younger consumers expect you to do so be prepared to build and articulate your values. Even if they have nothing to do with making your widgets.
Data is the new oil: But Data is not the same as insight. Just as knowledge is not the same as wisdom. Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. But wisdom is knowing NOT to put the tomato into a fruit salad.
Work Identity and Finding your Calling, Organizational Culture Hacks
Most people lament having to do “a job.” Very few are able to tap into finding their true “calling.” In this talk, Americus Reed describes research in the areas of organizational culture and how companies can better help employees connect with their corporate values. Americus describes his own most recent research on effort, self-reflection, appraisal, and fusion—four areas that create the conduit for employees to be all they can be. How can a company build its brand from within first, making sure that those who work within the building have alignment with the mission and the values of the company? Reed takes the audience step by step through the psychological processes of how calling works, and how organizations can foster and build it over time. People will spend more than half their lives working, so figuring how to best create an environment of personal growth is key.
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Americus Reed was an engaging speaker at our annual sales meeting. For any vertical or audience, he discussed the power of brand and what influences buyers to make the decisions they do. Our team walked away from his keynote with a new perspective on our company brand and new strategies to support the brand. I highly recommend Americus Reed – he is both entertaining and informative. Our team is still talking about his presentation weeks later!
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Americus ignites a room like nobody else can. His expertise and intellectual rigor are met with a vibrancy and passion that cannot be ignored. His clarity and well-chosen words have impact. In our case, he compelled our team to take action and reignited the passion we need to have for our brand.
Travel & Tourism
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Americus Reed’s unique brand of ‘edutainment’ captures an audience in a way that is different from the normal keynote speaker. The attention he commands through knowledge, energy, and humor cuts through our natural defenses and allows his concepts to stick– not an easy task for rooms full of senior consultants and growth leaders (i.e., professional skeptics)! I highly recommend him to any organization that understands the importance of marketing and identity loyalty and wants to engage their workforce on these important topics.
Business Consulting
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Americus Reed brings infectious energy, humor and data driven insights to his speeches, all focused on his uncovering the power of brand identity. He’s part entertainer and 100% academic, and he has a gift for explaining complex marketing concepts to leaders as well as the power of brand in a company’s success. Hire him and stand back! Your audience will be delighted, inspired and will know so much more about their role in business success.”
Education Programs
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
For over a decade, I’ve seen Americus wow an incredible diversity of audiences: from jaded Fortune 500 CEOs in suits to tech-savvy influencers in Warby Parker to bright-eyed college sophomores. Americus instantly picks up on the ‘currency of the human’ he’s talking to. Based on cutting-edge, deeply quantitative academic research, he tells actionable stories his audience not just understands, but deeply resonates with. Americus is one of those people who audiences hire because he’s brilliant…but then they walk away from his talk feeling brilliant themselves. You will too. Hire him now. If you aren’t completely satisfied, I’ll buy you a drink myself.
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Each year ASM Global gathers its leaders from our 300 facilities worldwide to learn, be inspired, and share new ideas. A big part of achieving that mission is to engage a keynote speaker that can deliver a relevant and impactful message that will resonate with our attendees. Americus Reed did just that … his energy, message, and passion for the subject engages the listener and at the end leaves you wanting more. I think many of our attendees were looking to go back to college and sign up for his class. If you are looking for a high energy engaging speaker with an impactful message … Americus is your man!
Performing Art & Cultural Centers
What other organizations say about Americus Reed
Americus delivered an engaging conversation on brand loyalty that was equal parts contagious passion, quantitative research and real world insights. He collaborated upfront to understand and align with our goal, then delivered a deeply compelling discussion. Americus’s participation was instrumental in propelling new strategies that resonated with our leaders.